Toomer’s Coffee⢠is a well-established, family-owned, Specialty Coffee company based in Alabama. With a growing regional and nationwide customer base, we proudly roast and process around 50,000 lbs. of high-quality green coffee beans sourced from the best coffee-growing regions around the world.
Currently, Toomer’s Coffee⢠offers over 30 uniquely healthier infrared/low acid Specialty Grade Coffees making us a go-to brand for coffee lovers seeking a premium experience without the acidity. Our popular Nationwide Coffee Subscription Club delivers freshly roasted beans straight to your door, ensuring consistent access to your favorite low-acid coffee blends.
Over the years, we’ve expanded beyond a traditional mom-and-pop coffee shop, scaling up to meet demand while maintaining our commitment to quality.
And guess what? We have even more exciting offerings on the horizon from Toomer’s Coffeeâ˘, your trusted source for low-acid specialty coffee and more.
In the Beginning

Returning to the US in 2002 after nearly a decade of overseas missionary life and service in Central and South America, we opened Toomer’s Coffee Shopâ˘, as an unassuming retail pop-up in Opelika, Alabama in 2004. Back then it was just Sandy, Trish and our two high school aged kids, Harrison and Sarah.
Opening our Auburn location in 2005 we added our in-house specialty coffee roasting operations in 2006. Since those early years we have enjoyed steady, innovative growth through many seasons of change in the business environment locally, nationally and now worldwide since Covid.
Marketing our unique family owned brand and product mix to an eclectic, diverse and ever increasing “Shop Local/Made in the USA” sensitive e-commerce and wholesale clientele (in all 50 states) plus our faithful local retail customers in Alabama, Toomer’s Coffee⢠hit a tipping point in 2015 with revenues turning sharply upwards at a rate of 35-45% YOY annually.
In 2018, we were blessed to be able to purchased our own 4500 sq. ft. property which now houses and provides for our growing e-commerce, wholesale production and new retail shop needs and operations.
Then with the advent of the Covid crisis in 2020 we experienced a larger increase, nearly doubling revenues as more people than ever before chose to shop for Toomer’s Coffee On-line with Free Shipping. This demonstrated our ability to successfully adapt, innovate and navigate our business plan to accommodate ever changing business climates.In the end though, we believe, it’s all about good coffee, personal customer service and incredible customers
We get affirming email testimonials and retail shopper feedback every week sharing encouraging words like, “I’ve never been much of a coffee drinker until I tried Toomer’s Coffee”, or “I had to stop drinking coffee because of my stomach, but your low acid coffees don’t cause me any problems” or “You have so many coffees, it’s hard to choose” or “The smell of fresh roasting coffee beans was heavenly!” But our favorites go like this one from a local customer in March, “The staff is so kind and always starts my day off on a positive foot.”
Our 3 Pronged Approach to Business: Be Consistent. Be Innovative. Be Passionate.

Consistency =Â We understand the specialty coffee business from farm to cup which is key to our consistency. For 17 plus years we have provided a sustainable, market adaptable, extensive offering of flavorful specialty grade coffees from a medley of the world’s best coffee growing countries, regions and farms. Having lived in Central and South America we have also traveled the globe to other continents visiting farms, roasters, and shops internationally adding to our knowledge.
Innovation =Â We have also grown our brand to include more products to reach more markets plus inclusively adding peripheral products complimenting our coffees, diversifying our market base to more than the typical specialty coffee enterprise.
This is key to our innovative nature: Intentionally looking beyond the forest to the clearing of opportunity ahead.
Example? in 2018 we added our own take on the Coffee Subscription Program after a year of research, offering a subscription program that allows the client to choose the specific coffees for their subscription. Check it out here.
Passion =Â We strive to live by the saying, “You don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression”. Trish and I don’t offer a new drink, a new coffee, a new roast, anything, until we have tested it repeatedly then finally “focus testing” it with local clients. Our standard product development protocol of (1) concept, (2) product design and (3) test marketing steps must all pass muster before anything goes on our website, our shelves or is added to our menu in the shop.
All that to say, we truly look forward to seeing you in our shop or serving you on-line someday to share the passion that is Toomer’s Coffeeâ˘.
Thank you!
Sandy & Trish