My wife and I are serious about the Low Carb and KETO lifestyle. It has totally changed our lives over the past 2+ years. The real beauty is you don’t have to give up great tasting food and beverages to lose weight and improve your overall health. If anything we have more joy in our daily diet! That said, at our shop we sell what we drink!
Top Low Carb Coffee Drink for Summer from Toomer’s Coffee Shop

ICED LATTES are available any way you want. While many get them au naturál with ZERO CARBS [when made with Half & Half], you can also add your favorite sugar-free flavor of our most excellent Stirling Syrups selections (cold pressed from Washington State) and still have a ZERO CARB Iced Latte!
Also depending on your choice of milk, using Almond Milk vs. regular or low fat Dairy, you can stay carb safe. Almond Milk or Half and Half give you 1 gram of carbs per drink. For comparison, Whole Milk, 2% and Skim are all relatively HIGH IN CARBS (10-15 grams of carbs). So stay way from them.